Sunday, June 10


A hundred posts.

A hundred thoughts.
Or just a hundred things.

A hundred posts reaching back to 2008. 4 years and a bit, of life, and people, and meetings and partings, and being reunited, and getting lost, and being happy and being sad, and accidental wet shoes, a hundred chances, and opportunities lost, or seized, a hundred colours and shapes, a hundred things that feel like a hundred years or absolutely nothing else at all than a hundred quick flashes.

But I guess that is the way it goes.

I am happy that in between the lines and in between these hundred posts there are so many things I didn't let go, or didn't miss. I took the chances, sometimes regardless of common sense or better judgement, an have therefore averted regrets. Or at least those which truly matter - the missed moments that absolutely definitely will not come around again.

A hundred.


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