Wednesday, March 6


This is going to be a ridiculous post, by the way.

I think E is uploading the pictures of the weekend madness tomorrow, but for now I'm going to forward to you my birthday in food.

Okay, so numero 1, A and I made Eggs Benedict (a hands-down favourite of mine, A's, AEM's and just our banterous breakfast from my LDN times) on Saturday morning, because we are awesome chefs. Egg on egg anyone? Thanks.
Numero 2, a little later on Saturday, A and I went to this awesome cosy Chocolaterie in the Old Town in Tallinn with my parents. We shared many many chocolate treats and this was my slab of cake. Milk chocolate mousse with a cream cheese layer and cherry jam-ish stuff. And it was divine. Not to sweet. Kicked butt.
And numero 3, is the pasta we demolished to put the world right again on Monday, with the pretty one, just before A's flight. We went to Vapiano (again a shared favourite of all three). My one on the left is chicken, orange-chilli sauce and pak choi, JESUS I've had it so many times and it doesn't get old. And A had her sausage and fig thing.


Eat well.

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