Sunday, April 7

fan the fire

This is just so true, and also something we don't often think about.
We're not alone in whatever we do.
We are always surrounded by the people we choose to be surrounded by.
Not only when they are actually present around us, but these people never truly leave us, by choice.
Our own choice.
They are there, in the back of our minds and in the corners of our heart.

So choose wisely.
Because we are never truly alone.
And even if and when we do feel so utterly alone and lost, maybe it would be time to look at the people who surround you.
Who you have chosen to surround you.

Because nothing is external, and nothing is happening TO you (okay, let's stick this at 99%).
Most of the stuff in our lives including the negative and the emotional and the baggage and the thought patterns, all of it, is so open for change.
And that, of course, lies with us.

We need people to fan our flame.
Otherwise the flame will go out.
And keeping your flame alive all by yourself is nearly impossible.
Anyone who has gone camping knows this.
So apply the same thing in life.
We need people to fan our flame.

So choose very wisely.

Who fan your flames.

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