Tuesday, March 18


I wanna get on a bus and go somewhere.
And I'm watching Game of Thrones, season 1 again.
And it's kind of reminding me feelings I'd rather keep under lock and key.

I wanna Love Everything.
Doing everything.
From getting dressed, to my make-up, to music, to making music.
To life, coffees, and people, random people.
To chances.
I really really want to.

Never let life make you hard.
Have a heart that never hardens.

I want to be with people who can forget the Plan, the Future, the Structure.
FUCK THAT. WHY would you EVER let that take you from the glorious present?
A beautiful Present is all we ever need, and if we hold on to this for long enough, the Future is already unravelling, all by itself.

Seriously, guys. Stay in the present, love in the present.
Please don't let the future loosen your grip and take away what is yours.

For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. 

So collapse. 
This is not your destruction. 

This is your birth.

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