Monday, November 5

Simon Keenlyside

Lets start with saying, this is an opera singer.


During school holidays he spent time as a warden with the Royal Society for Protection of Birds. As a teenager “I knew most European bird songs”, he says. Went to Cambridge, studied Anthropology, played rugby, then final year, changed to Zoology. Whilst doing his post-graduate singing studies, indulged in his love of running.

When he’s not singing he enjoys anything zoological, diving, walking, drawing (good doodles), painting and fly-fishing. “Travelling to places like Australia and California, I get the chance to see things that no one else except David Attenborough would!” He has a farm by the sea in Wales where he plants trees, digs ponds and encourages the wildlife to flourish, in his own words, “leaving that tiny little patch a little bit better than I found it”.

Oh, and of course, he is one of the leading opera baritones around, in the world, right now.


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