Saturday, December 7

the flood

After me comes the flood.

Peter Gabriel still on my mind.

So the week coming up.
First of all, Monday through to Wednesday I've got lessons with a new teacher, this Italian man. 
So let's all keep our fingers crossed and hope that this is Jesus sending another literal Jesus my way.
This would be marvelous.
I really seek a Teacher.
Not only in terms of singing but in any walk of life.
I seek advice and council and above all - inspiration.
I seek inspiration in this life.

Then there's also 5 gigs next week, one of which is the opening of The Tour.
Omg omg omg programs omg programs omg.

So that's my week coming up.
Literally one week.
Sunday to Sunday. 

Wish me luck.
I will of course keep you posted.

With love.
Yours truly.

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