Wednesday, March 12



(Message of the week below.)

I'm having the most unproductive week and I DON'T MIND :)

I've had a massage, got my nails done (the also have crystals on them, whaattt...) and eaten marshmallow bears, dipped in chocolate.
And I don't mind.
I haven't checked my emails, or thought work thoughts much, and I don't mind.

Omg, I've just seen that Hannibal Season 2 is out!
Quite seriously!
I don't get excited over TV, EVER, seriously, ever.
But this is different.
Mads being Hannibal.
Jay-sus I absolutely loved season 1. I think I watched it in a few days. The end was a little weak for my liking, but the narrative and the visual devices and Mads.
Yay, yay, yay.

Also, the Thai massage today was just something else.
It's a mixture of massage (as most of us know it), then some chiropractor-ish moves and then a whole big bunch of acupressure which I LOVE (that's acupuncture minus the needles).
You and the masseuse both down on this big mat on the floor, with special massage clothes, super simple Thai style shirt and pants.
It's so much closer, and personal, and gentler, I think?
Anyway, it is the best massage experience I've had to date.
So I will most definitely be going back.
If any of you readers are in Tallinn, do pay them a visit.
Superb atmosphere, and Thai women doing the procedures.

And in general - take time to pamper yourself.
That's my message of the week.
It's so so important.
Not to just have that One Super Special Holiday, but y'know, the little things.
Your lifestyle should dictate your job, not your job set the structure for your lifestyle.
Make yourself feel good, outside and inside (!!!), more than once a year.
Really listen what makes your body happy, really listen.
And follow it.

I guess that's all for now.
Change is good, change puts things in motion.
Motion is good, because motion governs all Life in the Universe.
Be gentle, be kind, internally and externally.
And do what makes you happy - claypots or maths or farming, or being a beautician.

So, peace out, warriors.
Be cool, I'm gonna watch Mads eat people.
And stare at my nails.

Always, with love.
Yours truly.


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