But I feel that tonight I give thanks to myself!
I'm grateful for my courage.
Tonight, I am so grateful to myself, for my strength to sometimes do that which seems terrifying but what I feel and know to be right, and necessary.
Tonight, I give thanks for following my own truth(!!!), my heart and soul, and expressing it.
Tonight, I give thanks for how far I've come!
Tonight I am grateful, I really am.
This morning I felt so stuck and then there was an answer - I saw how I've grown, how I've developed.
How my heart has broken, yes, but broken to get open, break to learn how to Love, how my heart has grown, and how I can hear what my soul says.
And how I have the ovaries to act accordingly.
The Lady at the fasting retreat said with a positive shudder that "something is moving, or happening" in terms of my life.
Where there was none this morning, there is now a speckkkk of true excitement.
And I'm going to help it grow, as best as I can..
This feeling is amazing.
Acting in accordance to Me, my truth.
So my soul is unchained and feels free.
Thanks to you, for reading.
Thanks to the knots that get untied.
And thanks to the Universe.
Find the Sun, face the Sun.
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