Friday, December 21


So last night I stayed up knitting till 6am.
No, this is not a normal occurrence. It's just I hadn't done any knitting in so long and I really like it.
It's like, so so good. Seriously.
And I was watching Downton Abbey like there's no tomorrow.
And so I ended up being awake till 6am, as opposed to getting home after the gig and going to sleep.
Why the heck not.

Oh, and I decorated the tree today. Mum was flexible so I thought we'd go for a New-York-City-toy-store-dreamland vibe. Which basically meant, really simple lights, and these tiny tiny wooden Christmassy toy figurines. I'll post a pictures of the finished tree later.

It's so weird, whenever touring comes round again. My life boils down to eating, sleeping, singing, sitting in a car, and then repeating that. Which is great, don't get me wrong. Just means I don't ever think any interesting thoughts at all.
So therefore I knit, and watch Downton Abbey, and you know.
But it's nice.
I must not forget Christmas is nearly nearly here!


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