So I found this photo, from like a few weeks back.
We had had a gig in a really really cold church, again, and I wasn't feeling good at all after it.
So, what helps for everything? A shot of vodka. Seriously. I don't even know why, but honestly it helps, to warm up. Properly warm up. Cause the feeling of damp cold in my bones is one which I don't like, at all. And also one which, the morning after, results in a full-blown cold. No thanks.
And since it was Christmas, which means mum gets some caviar, I decided to heal everything through the medium of vodka and caviar. And I papped it, because it was just so ridiculous. (That and my festively garish nails.)
The second one is my fresh baby-face today. I haven't posted a self-take from my bathroom in a while so I felt it was so fitting.
Hope you're all having a good day.
We had had a gig in a really really cold church, again, and I wasn't feeling good at all after it.
So, what helps for everything? A shot of vodka. Seriously. I don't even know why, but honestly it helps, to warm up. Properly warm up. Cause the feeling of damp cold in my bones is one which I don't like, at all. And also one which, the morning after, results in a full-blown cold. No thanks.
And since it was Christmas, which means mum gets some caviar, I decided to heal everything through the medium of vodka and caviar. And I papped it, because it was just so ridiculous. (That and my festively garish nails.)
The second one is my fresh baby-face today. I haven't posted a self-take from my bathroom in a while so I felt it was so fitting.
Hope you're all having a good day.
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