It's time, to Cleanse.
verb (used with object)
to make clean.
to remove by or as if by cleaning: to cleanse sin from the soul.
verb (used without object)
to become clean.
verb (used with object)
to make pure; free from anything that debases, pollutes,adulterates, or contaminates: to purify metals.
to free from foreign, extraneous, or objectionable elements: to purify a language.
to free from guilt or evil.
to clear or purge (usually followed by of or from ).
to make clean for ceremonial or ritual use.
to become pure.
Really, mind, body and soul.
Proper deep-clean. A post-Solstice deep-clean purification.
I think it's only appropriate, y'know.
And it's so necessary right now, at this very point in time.
So, very, very, necessary.
Especially to get the clarity to see where my path is going.
I don't want to be weighed down anymore, by anything.
I want to have the clarity of vision to see freely where my life is going and is going to go.
Last Autumn I was doing so well, with the yoga and the eating and the reading and everything.
When was the last time I was consciously grateful for something?
When was the last time I made good food?
When was the last time I was mindful for like, half an hour?
So, therefore.
With the tour coming up, I've got the ideal opportunity to concentrate on this for a month.
Since we're constantly driving around the country, I won't spend any time in Tallinn.
Love my hometown as I do, it is the place where all the old patterns come barging in.
And so, here we go.
Let's cleanse.
Time for a plan later, but this is the journey.
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