Wednesday, July 24

Last week in visuals

Down South.

I decided to pick some blueberries in preparation for the breakfast next day.

Our gig on one of the islands. Obviously an actual storm hit when we arrived.
Everything tried to fly away, from the music, to the music stands, to like, the sound stuff.
It was super. My inner storm wolf was pleased.

Beach attire. We stayed at my auntie's house, which is next to this lake.
Needless to say, I spent every minute I had to spare there.

The pianist dude we're driving around with said the other day that we've passed the 4000km mark.
Happy July!

We gigged at this manor house as well.
And the owner is a super cool man.
Best idea in the world - hammocks all around the place.

My auntie's house.

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