Human kindness is over-flowing, I think it's going to rain today.
These quotes mean only one thing, and one thing alone -
Peter Gabriel.
You are on and in my mind.
Today was a good nothing-day.
Tomorrow will be only a little bit useful.
It's incredible what you get when you face a fear, and let it go.
Just let it fade into nothing, and fill your holes, so nothing drains out in secret.
Absolutely spine-chillingly incredible.
The process is tiresome and wears you
out and wears you down, but so what?
Challenge is good.
All of it is good.
And the sooner we realize that the better for our lives.
And also - doing the work with yourself and your life, means keeping doing the work.
That's why it's a process, because it doesn't stop.
I don't think you arrive at Bliss Station and call it a day.
The Bliss is the Process.
It's the continuing process of development.
And that's where the peace lives.
But it doesn't stop.
Flows as fluid as life.
Balanced, but super alive.
Universe and love.
Yours truly.
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