Wednesday, December 4


So hello world, and goodbye world.
I'm on a bus to Riga.
Because that's what's going on right now.

And I'm listening to Peter Gabriel.
And I've sorted all my work things, and emails and some useful things.
And Riga is meant to be nice this time of year.
/ :)

And I sang my concert today. 
To school children.
Apparently, when the music teacher told the kids they were going to have a concert where I'm singing, this little one, a 7 year old girl, put her hand up, with a super troubled face:
"Are you joking with us, miss? Is she REALLY coming here?"

And yes I did.
And they were INCREDIBLE kids. 
So responsive.
And so inspired by the opera and the music.
So we agreed with the music teacher that me and the pianist would return to that school.

And it started snowing!!
Inconvenience today, but god almighty it's pretty. 

And so here I am.
Half way to Riga.

These are the days of miracle and wonder.

I have Love for all of you.
Yours truly.

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