Saturday, March 8


Hello, guys.

I didn't find my jumper today, and I got so annoyed.
Like, angry.
Part of this magic is that the flat is still up on the real estate website, and we're waiting for the buyer. 
So I still don't have proper storage space for my clothes. 
And today I got so inhumanly annoyed, and I really didn't enjoy it.

Big clothes clear out coming up. 

I realized rummaging through everything today, looking for my jumper, that I don't like half of what I have and another 25% just either is too big too small or too something.
An easy deduction and voila - I actually want to keep a quarter of everything.
And this is just clothes.

Too much STUFF clouding my space.
Even if I don't have it in my immediate surroundings, it's still there.
The energy of too.many.things.

I once told my dad that I'll want space and order to surround me once I feel ordered on the inside.

And I guess we're here then..
Just this unstructured mess and disorder annoyed me so so much.
I never gave a crap about anything like that.

So yay! 
P for Progress.

With love.

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