Today has been a day of Acceptance.
It feels like I've finally given in to the flow of the wider universe, the constant motion of life.
Not gonna lie, it feels like giving up in a way..
But I think this feeling exists in a way which in the long run will only serve me towards the positive end.
However, right now, it feels a little.....hopeless.
Correction: very hopeless.
I guess the point is, we give up, stop fighting all the goddamn time, Accept what Is.
And then, sure, a little hopelessness is fine. I effectively have just created a void of some kind, y'know?
However, now it's up to me to fill it.
Fill this void.
With Love, inspiration, and kindness.
The space which was filled with fighting and holding on, is now empty.
Acceptance and Accepting makes new space.
Creates new space.
Which today, right now, right here, feels EMPTY.
Emptiness, void void void.
Dark matter.
But this is okay.
This is okay.
Let go of what was.
Be grateful for what is.
And have hope for what is yet to (be)come.
The third one has to now become a huge priority.
I have chosen this direction, I've started discovering and searching and looking and questioning, and the "stop" button doesn't exist.
So all I can do is hold on, keep my focus, ride my wave, and have hope for what is yet to Be.
Oh, and definitely have to give praise where praise is due for how far I've got.
So, here's to you, Acceptance!
I've met you, I'll keep you and the stuff that's gone - well, I'll replace it with something that gives me FORZA VITALE - life force.
Peace and love.
I hope wherever you are, whatever you are doing, however far you still have to go - that you always have someone to turn to for guidance, a hug, or just company.
A shared life.
With love, always.
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