Sunday, July 1

öös on asju

Envy and greed, honestly. Honestly. They like making a strong comeback.
But enough of that.

In other news, I have a massive urge to throw a dinnerparty. But it's more one of those fantasy ones, not with no-longer-alive people, but rather people who never spend time on the same continent.
Everyone would wear dresses (because why not) and no one would complain about not feeling pretty, because all of them are pretty. Emma Stone has said that it is far more important to be funny, or honest, than to look a certain way. I like her so much.
Back to the dinnerparty. So, everyone would feel beautiful, but in the serene sense of the word. The kind of beauty of contentment type of thing.
There would be a large wooden table, I'd serve some fresh salad, some great cheese, and grapes, and some cold and hot meat, soft-boiled eggs, good bread, and wine, and for dessert there would be a sorbet or an icecream and of course, I would bake something. Or make soufflés. And there would be lanterns, and candles, and maybe fairylights. And really quite conversation-enducing music, something from the jazz legends, Ella most probably. And there would be loads of chatting and laughing, the kind of laughing when people don't care what they look like, and at some point probably singing as well, cause no one really cares enough to mind, and why should anyone care anyway? Singing is great. Especially if the occasion, much like this dinnerparty, is suitable. And at some point someone would say that they want to read a poem, and they would. Again, cause no one cares about what you "should", what is "cool", or not, or edgy, or "in", or whatever the stupid terms. Just be. Just the joy of being, of being yourself, as an individual, but also of being in this fantabulous atmosphere, having some food and laughing with the people you sincerely like, in your head and heart, double combo.
And this would go on till the latenight/earlymorning hours. And then me and someone else would decide that right now was the time to go indoors, so we could play a song on the piano that's standing in the corner, and whoever's cold could get some duvets going.

(I just made some dinner. Some salad, cheese, ham. So I thought I needed 2 eggs, hardboiled. Accidentally I managed to make the most perfect little soft-boiled wonders. And it's a warm night outside, and we haven't had many of those lately. I mean, really, really. Simple pleasures.)

So that is the kind of night I would like to witness. No awkwardness, no inner troubles of being, I would like to see my friends enjoy being themselves as much as I adore and long for their company. Just sit there not comparing and stressing, or measuring, or weighing, or assessing. Such a night. One day maybe. But I really really really hope so. Because the truth is, life really is too short. At least too short for any of that.
Not to short for dinnerparties and good food.

There are things in the night,M.

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