Wednesday, December 12

inner view

The word.
You know?

That's what it's meant to be. An inner view of someone, a view into the person.
And I think I spent 3,5 hours today giving the most honest (or at least the most "true to myself") interview of my life today.
(And I have had I mean, not like, loads, but plenty of them in my life.)

And it was just so honest with myself I guess.
I don't even know. I think I'll understand why it meant something to me but later on.
For now I'm pleased with how it went, since I was stressing about it last night to E. And it was great!

And now I'm playing a great game ( I love this thing.
Just had a carrot, and might make some tea.
First rehearsal for the tour tomorrow.
Exciting times, and good times, and most of all, interesting times.


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