Sunday, December 16


I think this is the first time I'm going to re-post something.
But I was going through some old posts, and this just popped up, and cheered me up.
Not that I particularly needed cheering up even.
It was just there, and so right. And I read it through, and decided I must re-post this.

With love.

As long as there is the sea. The beautiful, beautiful, unforgettable, indescribable, beautiful sea. 
As long as there is sauce to talk about. Plenty of sauce.
As long as we have our health. 
As long as we will not say “no” to everything the universe has got to offer. 
As long as there is all this, it simply must be okay.

As long as there are iced coffees down by the harbour.
As long as there is someone to talk to.
As long as the summers will come again.
As long as there are books, and music.
As long as there's sand in your shoes and a map.
As long as there champagne and skinny dips.
As long as there is CHANCE, for whatever.
As long as there is room to breath and room to change.
As long as there are roots.
As long as there is strength to keep feeling.

The Devil (still) does not play fair.
But if we take a chance every now and then, we might throw him off.

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