Tuesday, March 5


So, apparently Mercury has been in retrograde for quite a while now, and shall remain like this until the 17th of March. (Potential after-effects till the 6th of April.)

This is meant to come with a period of high intuition, lots of awesome coincidences but also the chance of our plans not working out the way we hoped.
This period is good for rethinking, rewriting and reviewing. Not good for big solid decisions.
And it usually comes with a big old sprinkling of chaos.
So basically, don't take things personally, meet up with old friends and - as a dear, dear, dear friend said to me years ago - trust yourself to chance, and see what happens.

This blogger/designer/persona Audrey Kitching has written an article about how to ride this wave.
For those of you who feel it, read it.
I'm gonna figure out whether I sense it or whether is it just the fact that it's the time around my birthday.

Either way, makes for an interesting google session.



And a shot of Audrey.

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