Friday, October 19


[I actually wrote a post on this exact same subject matter some months ago, but never posted it (and have deleted it by now.)]

I saw this photo today.
A girl posted a photo of herself on Facebook, in her underwear. Her subtle bottom line was something like this - "THIS IS MY BODY, F*CK YOU."
She is clearly overweight, and has the stretchmarks to prove it (which is her choice, she is fine with it, as she explains in the photo comment.)
She posted this as a message to all the people who have ever bullied her, or called her weight-themed names.

Now then.
The reason why this post annoyed me to ridiculousness is not the fact that the photo had around 30,000 comments (and thousands more "likes"). Fine.
Most of them were positive. Also fine.
However, a lot of them claimed her to be a brilliant role model.



Further reading the 30,000, there were some who spoke sense.
If it is so no-go to glamorise being underweight, surely it is the same thing with being overweight.
This is not to say this girl wasn't pretty, or bubbly looking, I'm sure she has a lovely personality and all the rest.
However, the point is - what are we accepting, and endorsing.

I am ecstatic for this girl that she is happy in her own skin (which certainly is something to be very proud of), and that she is brave (for lack of a better word) enough to post a photo of herself nearly naked on Facebook (which again, is her choice to do so).


(DISCLAIMER: she does not claim to be one, however, the majority of the 30,000 seem to consider her as one.)
Would I really want this person to be the lifestyle beacon for my son or my daughter?

The anorexia problem is huge. "Skinny" and the problems that it carries with it - also huge.
So is unhealthy eating. So is leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Seriously though. Seriously.
What is this m a d n e s s ?

This is one of the better, reasonable comments.
This is not a fat/skinny issue, it is a health issue. Being overweight or obese can result in a long list of health-related issues which include (according to the CDC);
Coronary heart disease

Type 2 diabetes
Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
Liver and Gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
These issues will only worsen and come with a higher likelihood with age. Being overweight and obese in America is why so many are having health issues and why the healthcare system is overloaded and extremely costly. I struggled with my own weight issues on and off from the 3rd grade until I was a young adult. This was due to being uneducated about a proper diet and living a mostly sedentary lifestyle. It is easy to blame others and to not take responsibility for yourself. I can understand the insecurity, name calling and bullying that this lady felt because I dealt with all that too - but celebrating being unhealthy is not a step in the right direction.
And yes, being overweight and obese is NOT healthy no matter what anyone says. I am glad she has the confidence that she possesses and yes she is beautiful girl, but simply accepting an unhealthy lifestyle is not going to truly fix anything. We are sending the wrong message when we enable people with unhealthy habits. 

Following on from what I said earlier about my children and role-models, there's this woman saying she's going to show this photo to her 9-year-old daughter. - - -


What happened?
Why is that not in the battle?
Why is it LITERALLY between ribs-sticking-out and stretchmark-ed?


I will try my hardest to pass on a healthy understanding of food to my children-to-come, an understanding of a balanced diet. You absolutely should eat everything, but it is all about knowing how to eat it in moderation.
Making sure I teach my children how to cook and cook well.
And see that yes, people are different, but HEALTHY is one that applies to ONE AND ALL.

The opposite of "skinny" in this fight for health is not "obese". It is just that - healthy.


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