Wednesday, October 31

"beautiful girl"

those who do
and those who don't

all people want to know different things
less and more


f*ck you

"Look after that beautiful girl".
i dont think he even remembers it, or noticed it.
but i noticed it. and it was nice.

The Devil still doesn't play fair.

(took it during the July tour. had some time to kill backstage)



skin like silk
face like glass

turning right
and turning wrong

like a massive web
or like a map rather
of things
here and there

and the funny thing is
it's all the same matter

heaven is


no one's too old to get lost

Tuesday, October 30


Apparently 8 pillows is what I need, under my net and map combo.
Earlier on I was listening to "100 hits from 1959". I found a song for A's wedding, and to make the whole experience better I was wearing AEM's Raybans.
And then ate some food, and it was great.
I mean, DEVILMOO, man. What is called "devilmoo"?
Simple things.


Monday, October 29



So me and J. (the housemate) have decided to turn this week into CHALLENGE WEEK.

We were zumba-ing on the Wii last night - and I mean, the tragedy had to be witnessed. I was genuinely tasting my lungs and J. was exclaiming to the big Jesus Christ. It was hi-lol-ri-ous.
Sweat was poured, dancing was done, water was drunk.

So now we've decided to have a "Challenge Week" and zumba every day. To become less tragic.

PS. Anyone who starts to diss zumba as a form of working out has never clearly either a) done it or b) has done it, but didn't DO it. ya know?

Zumba, WOO.

Friday, October 26


the right people
the power of surrounding yourself with the right people
the right people for you
the people who make you feel something
the people who inspire you
or that you admire, and/or respect
one would be a colossal idiot to underestimate that power

and all those things we'd like to be or do, or even look like, but don't because of outward disapproval, is just bullshit.
there's a line between consideration and bullshit.

inspirational people.
who are my inspirational people?
who inspires me?

if you'd observe your life, as if it's not yours, what would you say to you?
as that person, as that surrounding factor, as an inspiration - what would you say.
what is that advice or the influence that is lacking.
and why not be that for yourself.
external, outward

i am not my mother
i am not my father
i am not my siblings, or my friends
all i am is me, whatever that is
i am me

I don't like being toned-down.

ps. if I'd be that external influence, I'd say not to be scared of making decisions, and being in charge of a decision.
make my own decisions
not float along with other people's decisions, or wait for them to make one.


Nordic, part 2.

Mads Mikkelsen.

Casino Royale

Bond. James Bond.



A.J. bought me a melon!
So sweet.
A honeydew melon portion. So cute.
SOOO cute.

I'm still wearing my leathery wrist-band-thing from Hvar.
It's going strong.

I had a lot of hair yesterday.
And this was good.

Brain-dead Friday.

Thursday, October 25


Christine gets my vote. I like her as a person (or you know, how she comes across, through the screen.)
My pink yoga mat that reads "USA-PRO". Makes me feel a bit more badass.
Excuse the eyeliner. It came off straight after, under a torrent of water.

Here's to working out at home (wooooooo).


Tuesday, October 23


Saw Batman yesterday. (And by this I mean "The Dark Knight Rises".)
And for the first time in the BFI Imax, which - if you were wondering - is SICK.

Just Batman, and Nolan.
Nolan, Nolan, Nolan.
I mean, really.


strong is the new "skinny"

(After this post I promise to go off the whole subject for a while.)

This is a good tagline. A great tagline, actually.
One that I have a lot of respect for and one that is worth spreading.
This saying, turns out, is the motto of the "tumblr fitness community" - people who blog about healthy living or their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Most of these women are from the States.

Regardless whether the problem is over-weight, under-weight, or just body-image - it's just a waste of time really.
Go healthy, you know.
It's the easiest way to feel good about whatever skin or skeleton you're in.
Whatever the length, width or shape.
Go healthy.
I mean, this is as much to me, as it is to anyone else.

I wrote a post some days ago about positive role-models and kind of ended up moaning about the lack of flag-flyers for "healthy" when it comes to discussing this topic.
Turns out there's a whole load of people who blog about healthy living, and everything that it encompasses.
Go them, and go healthy living.
(I chose these few because of a) her transformation; b) motivational pictures (i have to admit - my personal favourites) and great tips; c) good recipes.)

If there are only two choices: healthy, and unhealthy.

PS. I really feel like kickboxing would be a very fantastic addition to my existence.


A. is moving to BOO.
This is not some spectacular attempt at humour.
It's an actual place-name.
Appropriate for Halloween much?

Trick or Boo.

Sunday, October 21