Friday, December 14


I stayed over-night at E's. Which meant getting up with her, which meant getting up at 7AM.
Okay, for those of you who have actual jobs that follow an actual schedule, this won't sound ridiculous.
However, I don't have that schedule. Last time I would've followed something like this was school. And not even my banterous London highschool days, but we're talking back before 2006.
Also, I'm not one of the early-bird people, I don't think. I like being up late. But then again, everything's a habit. Regardless of whether this is habitual or natural, I'm not a morning person.

Due to all of these reason, this morning is absolutely out of the ordinary. The 7am, the 8.50 breakfast and you know. The fact that I feel like I've been awake for quite some times at 9.40 (when I wouldn't usually be even up yet).
I'm sat in this place called Reval Cafe right in the heart of Tallinn. Some trivia for ya: Reval is the old name of Tallinn.
And I've had an omelette which was great and some green tea, infused with some fruity stuff, I think.

So there you go.
My breakfast time, in town, early morniiiing.

And as always I'll say, I will do this more often, and as ever, I won't.

But I'm always really hopeful.

(y'know, just chilling with some limestone walls, some tea, and my trusty, trusty reindeer.)

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