Tuesday, December 31

end of the comfort zone


Penultimate day of the year has just drawn to a close.

We were walking with the Spanish one earlier. We had finished eating some pasta with the pretty one, and I decided to get some nail polish base coat. And off we went.
And so we got to this crossing right in the centre of town, across the street from the main concert hall, Estonia.
Long story short, I nearly fainted I think, or had some form of heart failure moment, because our tour poster aka my face, was on the wall of the concert hall.

Here's a fact about my life.
I have dreamt of the day when I am up there for as long as I can remember. 

And I really think some base soul level something took place looking at it.
I thought I had some time till I got to that?
I don't know, it was just so out of the blue.
Some sort of homecoming, a completion again, to wrap up 2013.
Ridiculous joy, like unhingedly euphoric.
It was strange, to try and say the least.
So now I'm in the Spaniards bed, because this is not a night to sleep on my own.
I need security tonight and she is after all my soul-mum, or some sh*t like that.

What happens at the end of our comfort zone.
Something very peculiar.
Comfort, so called "comfort", becomes very very uncomfortable.
This crazy itch, to do something, the discontent with the Self.
Literally, ants in your pants, wanting "something".
Usually the remedy is to go out, get way too drunk for any human need and party h-a-r-d.
But it won't fix anything.
The only thing to fix any of this is Action.

The remedy is Doing.
Doing what is right for you, for your Soul-Self.

So take action.
And I need to take action.

The thing is.
Healing doesn't happen over night. 
It takes time, it's a decision you make every day.
A choice to let yourself be happy.

So choose right, choose kind, and choose honest.

As always, yours truly.