Friday, October 12


Maybe it's too much - these big cities.

I mean, why are all these people here?
I went down to the shops today, and on my way to our microcosm I must have seen at least 20 different nationalities?
Not an anthropological experiment, but a trip to the bank, and then to the shops.
20 nationalities. At least.

Why are they all here?
I know why I am here.
Why are they all here?
But it was nice today.
I decided to smile at everyone basically. Not annoyingly though - just had a look about me that implied that I was not going to stab or shoot anyone at all (that is what "smiling at people" means here, most of the time. And okay, it depends where you are, and everything. Whatever.)
I had a chat with this girl, about her coat. (Leopard print. Turned out it was from H&M.)
Then I went to some Polish shop that I passed and got some nice tomato-and-pepper sauce.

There is an interesting play called "San Diego", by ...I've completely forgotten, and for the sake of this argument doesn't really matter (David Craig maybe?), anyway - an interesting play, "San Diego".
Amongst other things, it talks about ideas of belonging, and placement/displacement.
There's a bit in it where he discusses the amount of people a human mind can actually fully comprehend, as a microcosm of living together.
I seem to remember the number was 250.
Two hundred, and fifty.
That's the number of people at which the human mind still fully grasps its community.

Maybe it is too much.

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