Sunday, January 20


So, there's this blog.

His name is Abraham and he's from Saudi Arabia. His blog is like a mixture of photos, life-advice and both his poetry and prose.
I think he's written a few books as well.

The reason why we're currently talking about Abraham was something he said in a comment to one of the readers. It was something along the lines of "I would get arrested in my country just for having an opinion".

This got me thinking.
Whether this statement is true or false, or too grim, or just realistic enough, is not the point.
The reason why I found this fascinating is the fact that I have never had to consider this.

Freedom, you know?

The freedom to think, freedom to speak my mind, and the absolute freedom to choose.
Choice. My choice. The freedom to have my choice.
Something to be so thankful for, all day, every day.
And I hope I'll never have to feel what it's like not to have it.


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